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White Noise: What Are the Consequences on the Brain’s Activity?

| Researched by RAÚL MARIS

| Written by MERYEM ALAOUI

The effects of white noise on the brain have been the subject of research and study. White noise, a type of random noise containing all audible frequencies, has been found to have various consequences on brain activity. This includes its impact on attention, cognition, memory, and overall cognitive performance. Also, understanding these effects can provide insights into how white noise can enhance concentration and improve cognitive abilities. Moreover, we will explore the findings and conclusions from research conducted on the effects of white noise on the brain.

After looking into the background we can see that rational mechanisms are sensitive to noise or discordant environmental stimuli. Individuals with ADHD are particularly susceptible to becoming inattentive due to noise. However, a small portion of the population finds noise beneficial when performing tasks and increasing memory. Recent research suggests that white noise could enhance attention and performance by regulating dopamine levels in individuals. This phenomenon, known as stochastic resonance, can optimize signals and improve cognitive performance, especially in individuals with attention difficulty.

Stochastic resonance (SR) is a phenomenon where inaudible sounds can be amplified by adding white noise to the signal, allowing the system to respond to the input signal more effectively. This occurs in various sensory modalities, including auditory, visual, and touch. In addition, the presence of white noise can optimize weak signals and enhance perceptible sensing, improving cognitive performance. Moreover, the effects of SR vary between individuals and depend on attention ability and brain neurotransmissions. Also, inattentive individuals may require more external noise for optimal cognitive performance.

Dopamine, a crucial neurotransmitter, plays a significant role in controlling the reactions of neural cells to their surroundings. Any alteration in dopamine levels can affect attention, cognition, and behavior. The moderate brain arousal model (MBA) suggests that brains with dopamine insufficiency may require more noise to function correctly. With this in mind, white noise has been found to regulate dopamine levels in individuals, potentially compensating for behavioral disorders associated with hypodopaminergic conditions. In other words, increasing external noise levels could help rehabilitate normal activity levels in individuals with dopamine-related disorders.

In this study, they used methods that provide insights into the effects of white noise on attention and cognitive performance, particularly in individuals with different levels of attentiveness.

Method/Participants: The study involved 51 secondary school students in Norway. The participants were assessed for their attentional abilities using a seven-point Likert scale. Based on their scores, they were divided into two groups: an inattentive group and an attentive group. The inattentive group consisted of 10 participants who scored highly on inattention, with six of them also scoring highly on hyperactivity. Yet, none of the participants

in the inattentive group had a diagnosis of ADHD or were receiving medication treatment.

Method/Results: The performance of both the inattentive and attentive groups was equal under low and high noise conditions. However, there was a significant interaction between the group and the noise. The positive impact of noise increased with increasing levels of inattention, with inattentive children performing better when there was high noise. On the other hand, attentive children performed worse when there was noise.

Method/Discussion: The study found that children who were less attentive performed significantly better, while those who were more attentive performed notably worse as noise levels rose. This effect appears to be related to attentional capacity. Another

theoretical explanation is that noise generally heightens subject alertness. Meanwhile, It is important to note that there is no absolute sense in which a moderate noise level is ideal, as it can vary between individuals.

Method/ Limitations: There are several limitations to consider in this study. Firstly, only one cognitive ability test was conducted, which may not fully capture the effects of white noise on other cognitive functions. Additionally, the study only examined two noise levels, so the impact of different noise intensities remains unknown. It is also unclear whether task difficulty influenced the effects of white noise. Lastly, the study found that only the encoding conditions influenced the noise impact, not the retrieval conditions. Further research is needed to explore these limitations and provide a more comprehensive understanding of the effects of white noise on cognitive performance.

In short, the research on the effects of white noise on cognitive performance suggests that its impact varies depending on the individual's level of attentiveness. Inattentive individuals tend to perform better in high noise conditions, while attentive individuals perform worse. This indicates that white noise can enhance attention for those who struggle with inattention. However, it is important to note that the optimal noise level may differ for each person, and there is no absolute ideal level. Additionally, the positive correlation between reading proficiency and noise enhancement suggests that white noise can increase attention. Overall, carefully calibrating white noise levels in the environment can potentially enhance concentration and have practical implications.


  • Söderlund GB, Sikström S, Loftesnes JM, Sonuga-Barke EJ. The effects of background white noise on memory performance in inattentive school children. Behav Brain Funct. 2010 Sep 29;6:55. doi 10.1186/1744-9081-6-55. PMID: 20920224; PMCID: PMC2955636.

  • McDonnell, M., Stocks, N., Pearce, C., & Abbott, D. (2008). Stochastic resonance: Its definition, history, and debates. In Stochastic Resonance: From Suprathreshold Stochastic Resonance to Stochastic Signal Quantization (pp. 6-46). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511535239.004


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