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Brain Meets Meat: How is your brain affected by fast food meat?



Imagine Wendy’s offering their delicious and tasty burgers for just 1¢. Are you the one to run to the deal, or are you the one to stay put and ignore it all? Regardless, there will be someone who seizes that deal because, in this economy, there isn’t much that can be acquired for a cent or a dollar. If you buy something with barely a few cents, then unfortunately you, my friend, have been bamboozled. Americans continue to consume these 'affordable' meals despite the chemicals in the meat and the lasting effects they may have.

Even though everyone knows that fast food is bad for you, many still choose to indulge. Why? This is attributed to the lack of affordable food and the demands of the average American job. For most people from across the world working a 9–5 job, convenience is key, and McDonald's becomes more recognizable than anything else. Even with this so-called “cheap” food, it's not as cheap as it seems, as evident in Wendy's and other fast food chains' daily deals. For instance, the cost of Baconator Fries is $3.38, while Walmart Great Value frozen fries cost $3.42. Which would you choose? The more convenient one is the answer most people would pick, which is Wendy's fries. The fries are readily available, heated, and seasoned. People are quick to jump on the bandwagon. In doing so, they don’t care to check the label or consider safety. Why should they? Shouldn’t it be already safe the moment something is sold to the public? Sadly, this is not always the case. This has led to various lawsuits related to misrepresented products.

Next, let’s address the issue of chemicals in the meat. Many prominent meat companies include chemicals in their products. In the article “Fast Food May Contain Industrial Chemicals,” researchers found that 10 out of 11 different types of chemicals tested were present in fast food samples. This reveals that there are various chemicals contained in meat, and this can be attributed to how animals are fed and treated while on their farms. Even so, the chemicals in these animals can also harm humans. Through consumption, those chemicals can increase dementia. Two separate studies focused on processed and unprocessed meats. The risk of dementia was associated with processed meats such as bacon, chicken nuggets, and cold cuts.

Moreover, the consumption of fast food meats with these chemicals can lead to various mental disorders, including depression and anxiety. An article titled“Warning! Junk Foods can Harm a Teen’s Brain” reported that adolescents who indulged the most in junk food were almost 50 percent more prone to displaying signs of depression. This proves that it doesn’t matter if it's just fries or meat, both foods from fast food chains can have detrimental effects.

Overall, people throughout America will continue to eat fast food due to its convenience despite the chemicals that cause long-lasting effects on their brains. It is crucial to break the cycle of unhealthy habits. Efforts should be made for cheaper and healthier alternatives to be provided to the public. If not, these health effects are likely to worsen. It's okay to indulge once in a while, but constant things will be a constant pain in the future.



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