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The Impact of Exercise on the Brain's Health

| Juan Jairus Acabo

The majority of people that spend their time doing their favorite pastimes don't include physical activities despite its many beneficial outcomes. Research has shown that exercise is one of the most important activities in life. It does not only give you a decent physical appearance and a healthy body, but it benefits your brain as well.

Engaging in physical activities are well known to reduce anxiety, depression, and negative mood and by improving self-esteem and cognitive function. Exercise helps your brain release ‘feel good’ chemicals such as endorphins and serotonins that elevate your mood. You are pleased when you have the body you desire and the outcomes you want.

As we all know, we need motivation and such, to get started with exercising and your wants may not be simple enough. However, we should focus on our needs instead of wants. When you feel like you’re unhealthy, exercise is always free. It is recommended to do at least 30 minutes of moderate to intense exercise on most days of the week, and always remember it’s okay to rest! In the middle of your exercise, you may feel discouraged.

Battling your mental health issues may seem impossible for some. Speaking from my experience, I was in a mental state not too long ago where I found myself hitting the lowest point at life. I began exercising which I thought wouldn’t help me but to my surprise, it did!!!My main purpose of engaging in physical activities was to see changes in my body yet I’ve also noticed changes in my mental health. I’ve been out from the burrow that I dug. Lots of people I knew noticed me change too, since then I’ve exercised regularly for a healthier lifestyle. Being aware of the changes in your body after exercising regularly for months is a pleasant experience.

By not engaging in physical activities, you are at a high risk for a lot of diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, several cancers, obesity, and many more. All of these diseases are high, which is a problem for those who are struggling financially and physically. The WHO (World Health Organization) have shown that people who are inadequately active have a 20% to 30% increased risk of death. People suffer due to lack of physical activities; however, it is not their fault. We do not know their situation thus, we cannot judge.



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